How to emulate openDAQ™ native streaming server
Here, we consider the minimal package flow required from the server-side perspective to enable the native communication protocol to stream a single value signal with domain signal.
To simplify the example, let’s assume that both the server and client are running on the same host. The server is reachable for the client via the IPv4 address "" and port number 7420. The client is either the openDAQ™ client application, based on the provided code snippet below, or the openDAQ™ Python GUI application. In both scenarios, the client uses the connection string "daq.ns://" to connect to the emulated server.
The emulated server will advertise two signals:
Value signal: An asynchronous signal with a data type of double, having a symbolic ID of "/ValueSignal" and a numeric ID of "1"
Domain signal: A signal with a data type of unsigned 64-bit integer, featuring a symbolic ID of "/DomainSignal" and a numeric ID of "2"
The server application needs to listen for incoming TCP connections on the loopback interface and port number 7420. Once an incoming TCP connection is accepted, it should be upgraded to a WebSocket connection following the procedure outlined in the Establishing a connection section.
Once the connection is established, the server application should begin reading incoming data, expecting the receipt of a 4-byte package header first. Upon receiving a Streaming initialization request from the client, it should reply with two Signal available notification packages: one for the value signal and another for the domain signal.
Below are examples of how the serialized signal strings inside signal available notifications might appear for the given scenario.
Value signal:
"__type": "Signal",
"domainSignalId": "/DomainSignal",
"dataDescriptor": {
"__type": "DataDescriptor",
"name": "",
"sampleType": 2,
"dimensions": [],
"rule": {
"__type": "DataRule",
"ruleType": 3,
"params": {
"__type": "Dict",
"values": []
"origin": "",
"metadata": {
"__type": "Dict",
"values": []
"structFields": []
"public": true,
"description": "Value signal description",
"name": "ValueSignalName"
Domain signal:
"__type": "Signal",
"dataDescriptor": {
"__type": "DataDescriptor",
"name": "",
"sampleType": 9,
"dimensions": [],
"rule": {
"__type": "DataRule",
"ruleType": 3,
"params": {
"__type": "Dict",
"values": []
"origin": "",
"metadata": {
"__type": "Dict",
"values": []
"structFields": []
"public": true,
"description": "Domain signal description",
"name": "DomainSignalName"
Subsequently, the server application should send a Streaming initialization done acknowledgement to finalize the streaming initialization process. Following this, the server application should continue to read incoming data. When it receives subscription requests for the domain and value signals, it should respond with subscription acknowledgements for each request.
Once these subscription acknowledgments are sent, both the value and domain signals are considered as subscribed, and the server application can start sending signal packets for these signals. Initially, the server should send the Data descriptor changed event packet, followed by the data packets.
An openDAQ client application code example
#include <opendaq/opendaq.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
int main(int /*argc*/, const char* /*argv*/[])
using namespace daq;
// Create a new Instance that we will use for all the interactions with the SDK
InstancePtr instance = Instance(MODULE_PATH);
// Connect to a Native streaming server
DevicePtr device = instance.addDevice("daq.ns://");
// Exit if connection failed
if (!device.assigned())
std::cerr << "Connection failed!" << std::endl;
return 0;
// Get the value signal
SignalPtr signal = device.getSignals()[0];
// Read data of value signal
const auto packetReader = PacketReader(signal);
while (true)
const auto packet = packetReader.read();
if (packet.assigned() && packet.getType() == PacketType::Data)
DataPacketPtr dataPacket = packet;
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<double*>(dataPacket.getData());
for (size_t index = 0; index < dataPacket.getSampleCount(); ++index)
std::cout << "Value signal data: " << data[index] << std::endl;
return 0;
Package sequences examples
Streaming connection initialization
For connections that support the streaming feature, the streaming initialization step packages appear first.
Package direction | Package type | Package details |
client → server |
Package type code in header 0xA |
client → server |
Package type code in header 0xB |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x2 |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x2 |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x6 |
Streaming connection signal data transmission
For streaming-enabled connections, once the initialization step is completed, it is followed by packages related to transmitting the signal data. The typical sequence contains following packages.
The signal packet packages with data packets typically present multiple times |
Package direction | Package type | Package details |
client → server |
Domain signal subscribe request |
Package type code in header 0x4 |
client → server |
Value signal subscribe request |
Package type code in header 0x4 |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x7 |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x7 |
server → client |
Domain signal packet package with data descriptor changed event packet |
Package type code in header 0x1 |
server → client |
Value signal packet package with data descriptor changed event packet |
Package type code in header 0x1 |
server → client |
Domain signal packet package with data packet |
Package type code in header 0x1 |
server → client |
Value signal packet package with data packet |
Package type code in header 0x1 |
client → server |
Package type code in header 0x5 |
client → server |
Domain signal unsubscribe request |
Package type code in header 0x5 |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x8 |
server → client |
Package type code in header 0x8 |
Configuration connection initialization
For configuration-enabled connections, the initialization step includes following packages.
Package direction | Package type | Package details |
client → server |
Package type code in header 0xA |
client → server |
Get config protocol information request |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
server → client |
Config protocol information reply |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
client → server |
Config protocol upgrade request |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
server → client |
Config protocol upgrade reply |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
client → server |
Get type manager request |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
server → client |
Get type manager reply |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
client → server |
Get root device request |
Package type code in header 0x9 |
server → client |
Get root device reply |
Package type code in header 0x9 |